At about 1000 miles into any adventure, the average person might be getting a little tired of riding 60-80 miles per day. Changing flat tires. Climbing yet another mountain.

Fixing another gourmet meal over that open camp fire. And let's not forget no hot shower or clean clothes.
Yet, for Heath and Omar, 1000 miles is a milestone for sure. One that keeps them appreciating the incredible scenery of this amazing country we live in, getting centered and focusing on what brought them to this moment, and remaining
open to the many experiences that come together to make up this trek of a lifetime.

"We made it through Idaho and into Montana! It has been a series of climbs and descents through the rocky mountains - totaling over 10,784 ft of climbing. Along the way, we've come across wide open ranching lands populated by curious cows and horses, with the occasional bison farm.
The people out here truly encompass the Wild West mentality, they build their own homes, raise their own livestock, and care for their neighbors.
The photo with us and the three others was taken with our polaroid. (please excuse the less than stellar quality!) They run a bike camp called the Bike Walk Southwest Montana Camp that houses cyclists for free, offering showers and a bike shop to fix up your body and bike.

We stuck around for the day to help them with some maintenance, they invited us over for dinner. They're a local non-profit that is pushing for individual people to incorporate biking/walking into their lifestyle and for the community to build the infrastructure to allow for safe cycling and walking recreation.
From here we continue on to Yellowstone, where it is currently snowing. Everyone laughs at us when we explain our plan to cycle through. They say to watch out for the snow, grizzlies, moose, and bison.
Are they joking? I guess we'll find out soon enough!"
Heath Saffer,