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DCRF's inaugural event was, by all measures, a tremendous success.
With 119 golfers and 270 diners, festivities began at 10:00 am and lasted until 9:00pm.
Guests enjoyed margaritas, a mega-putt contest, bourbon tasting, pizza,
a silent & live auction, open bar and a delicious dinner.
Leon Harris kept the evening's event running smoothly as MC.
Guests cheered when DCRF Founders, Liz & Mitchell Rubenstein, announced that
Montgomery County Public Schools has officially agreed to bring Our Minds Matter,
the powerful mental health awareness and suicide prevention program, into schools this year.
It was an especially heartwarming moment to learn that Devon's home school,
Quince Orchard would be the first school to roll-out this powerful program.
Click this link to view the complete picture album
photographs compliments of Shelly Bobruska
Click this link to enjoy a 5 minute video!