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promote. prevent. protect. 

As a Foundation, it is vitally important we get to know our community. After all, it is teens and young adults within our community that we are working so hard to protect. In addition to email blasts and social media campaigns, perhaps our favorite way of getting to know the members of our community is by hosting a variety of events. 



*PAR4LIFE 2019




*PAR4LIFE 2021




*PAR4LIFE 2023


Comedy 4 a Cause


We hope you will make every effort to join us and get to know dcrf so that

together we can help prevent suicide among our teens and young adults.



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The Devon C. Rubenstein Foundation, Inc. ("DCRF") is recognized as a public charity under IRS Code Section 509(a)

and is an exempt organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code; EIN 83-2564580.

All donations to DCRF are tax deductible. 

7 Driscoll Court   Gaithersburg, MD 20878


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