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Thank you for your generous support.

(DONATIONS $5000 & up)
Jillian & Scott Copeland
Carl M. Freeman Foundation
Richard C. Harris
Steve & Allison Lockshin
Marvin & JoAnne McIntyre
Family Foundation
Alan Meltzer
The Meltzer Family
Cathy Weil
Wolpoff Family Foundation
AlignIQ, LLC
John P. Anthony
Michael J. Barbee
Certified Electrical
Claudine Chen-Young
Michael Chen-Young
Ken & Julie Cook
Dulles Golf Center &
Sports Park
Finkelstein Family
Michael & Robin Gold
Richard Harrison
Homespire Mortgage
Glenn & Janet Horenberg
Family Foundation
Robert Kantor
Leslie & Andy Kern
Mid South Building
Supply, Inc.
Robert Reiver
Mark Roschewski
Bob & Heather Rosecrans
The Smith Gift Fund
Stan & Brenda Smith
Drew Tavss
John Tenaglia
XML Financial Group
Jacqueline &
Anders Apgar
Phil Cantor
Michael R. Cogan, P.C.
Tracy Davis
David Drykerman
ESQ Process Servers
Ben Fisher
FCSolutions, LLC
The Halem Group
of Compass
Nancy Isaac
Ronald Karp
Medical Devices Group
at Hogan Lovells
John & Mary Moore
Mark & Ellen Singer
Mary Pat Weyback
Stretch Zone
Isaac Adato
Kate Alcamo
James R. Anthony, Jr.
Michael J. Anthony
Alice Arnessen
Debbi & Mark Ascher
John & Ruth Baxley
The Biglow Family
Lisa Blaker
Rob & Roz Blaker
Nick & Shelly Bobruska
Allan Brecher
Joyce Breger
Moriah Burke
Lauren Burnette
The Butturini Family
Laura J. Byrd
Susan Caccholi
Patrick Campbell
Phil Cantor
Brad Cenko
Dylan Chaikin
The Chang Family
Elena Choong
Kenneth Clayton
James Colen
The Confidence Coaches
and Barre3 Bethesda
Amy & Jeff Fink
The Fink Family
Bill Fisher
Megan Fisher
Robert & Elsie Fisher
JoAnn Fujikawa
Jane & Paul Garner
Mark Gloger
Sara Fretz-Goering &
Peter L. Goering
Rhonda & Jimmy Gold
Eric Goldberg
Clay Goldsborough
Tom Gravely
Art & Leslie Greenberg
Matthew & Sara Hecht
Carly Hoggle
Diane Horwitz
Sam Hurwitz
Irada Isayeva
Patty Jenkins & Family
Eric Jorgensen
Carole & Gary Kimmel
Carol & Benson Klein
Fred Kline
Robert Koenig
Kenny & Christy Kruhm
Douglas Leftridge
Jill Lehr
Jonathan Leshin
Lisa Levin
Sara Levine
Alex Light
Sandy Liss
Anne Lucas
Patrick Lynch
Emily Mancini
April Marrone
Linda Martyka & Family
Gary & Gail Matson
Phyllis Mauck
The McCausland Family
Liz McCloskey
Chris McIntosh
Betsy & Steve Meltzer
Ted & Lois Milkovich
Margaret Moore
Sally Neuberger
Carolyn Y. Neuland
Carol Nevins
Norco Technologies Inc.
Joy & Ron Paul Foundation
Ellen Perreault Pearlman
Lindsey Perreault
The Sarano Family
Pinnacle Settlements
Richard & Peggy Sleeman
Michael Stillman
Stillman Law Office
Lilly Price
Veronica Price
Mike Ritchie
Kathleen Ann Rodkey
Barbara Rogers
Gary Rudden
Re/Max Realty Services
The Saffer Family
Heath Saffer
Sandy Spring Bank
Andy & Marietta Saunders
Sarit Scott
Mark and Ellen Singer
Marian Smith
Taylor Smith
Julia Song
Mark & Tracy Starnes
AJ & Yvonne Steffenberg
Andrew Textoris
Shay Thompson
Bryson Turner
The Van Valkenburgh
Kat Vorvolakos
Steve Wasser
Howard Weiner
Lauren Weiss
David West &
Nancy Pluhowski
David Weatherby
Joyce M. Whang
Bridget Wildt