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DCRF is grateful for
your generous support.
(DONATIONS $5000 & up)
A3 Insurance Services LLC
Patricia King Brickman
Family Charity Fund
CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield
Wayne E. Cooper
Chief Executive Group
Carl M. Freeman Foundation
The Goddard Foundation
Harris Family Foundation
Homespire Mortgage Corp
Steven & Allison Lockshin Family Gift Fund
Marvin & JoAnne McIntyre
Family Foundation
Alan Meltzer
The Meltzer Family
Nora Roberts Foundation
Sandy Spring Bank
Cathy Weil
The Weinberger Family
Whole Foods Market
Community Giving Program
Wolpoff Family Foundation
Adventist HealthCare
Avi Benaim
Certified Electrical Technologies
Kimberlee Chaikin
Kenneth C. & Juliana E. Cook
Dulles Golf Center
& Sports Park
Finkelstein Family
Four Seasons Hotel
Washington, D.C.
Gary & Carol Gasper
Michael & Robin Gold
Richard Harrison
Glenn & Janet Horenberg
Family Foundation
Kathy & Charlie Malament
Karyn & Steve McAuliffe
Mid South Building Supply, Inc.
Ronald & Joy Paul
Family Foundation
Saumik C. Patel
Robert Reiver
Robert & Heather Rosecrans
Alice & Gene Schreiber Fund
She Racing
Brenda & Stan Smith
Drew Tavss
John Tenaglia
Wegmans Germantown
Trina & Kenneth Armstrong
James R. Anthony
Mike Barbee
Colleen Brand
Michael Byrum
Ryan Chiang
Doyle & Associates, LLC
EDGE Floral Event
Designers, Inc.
Steve Fairbanks
Tracy Foreman
Art & Leslie Greenburg
Clarence Goldsborough
Dana Hammond
Daniel P. & Cathy Hodin
Elizabeth Hopkinson
Matthew & Tracy Katz
Robert Louis Koenig
I.M.P. Concerts
Norma & Christopher Locke
Rebecca A. MacDonald
Steven A. Michael
John & Mary Moore
Robert P. Poli
Scott & Kara Jane Rabin
Alan Strauss
Total Wine & More

Faith Adler
Arena Stage
Alexandra Arnesen
Mark Ascher
Danielle Audley
Black Ankle Vineyards
Lisa Blaker
Shelly & Nick Bobruska
Colleen Brand
Broadway at the
National Theatre
Jen & Mike Burnstein
Peter Butturini &
Gina Mirigliano
Peter Cantor
Kevin Childs
Danielle Cohn
Elizabeth Coskun
Costco Gaithersburg
David H. Cox
Sean Daly
Rebecca Davis
Ellen Donadio
Mary Fairbanks
Morton Faller
Amy Fink
Megan Fisher
Debbie Freedman
Mark Friedman
Jerry Gelbard & Julie Welsh
Mitch Halem
Ann Harrington
Seana & Tom Hilley
Philip Q. Howell
I.M.P. Concerts
Phoebe & Tom Jones
Adam Kaplan
Brian Katz
Emily Katz
Robin & Scott Kreger
Andrea & Michael Koval
Lone Oak Farm Brewing Co.
Lord Baltimore Hotel
Kathy Malament
Maddy Malnik
Taylor McAuliffe
Lois Milkovich
Tyler Milwit
Neil & Julie Ott
Max Plante
Orange Theory Fitness
Rockville South
Ellen Pearlman
Lynn & Larry Pendleton
David Porter
ProsToYou Tennis
Rocklands Farm Winery
Mark Roschewski
Robert Rosecrans
Susan Rosenstock
Andy & Marietta Saunders
Dr. Philip Schoenfeld
Paul Schweitzer
Sarit Scott
Stephi Shin
Sue-Ann Siegel
61 Vineyard
Jordan & Diane Spivok
Tracy Starnes
Alexander Steffenberg
Stretch Zone Studio
Julia Song
Shay Thompson
Seana & Tom Hilley
Deborah Tolstoi
Trader Joe's
Jasmine Tulchin
Lauren Weiss
Wende Wiles
Wootton Fantasy Football
Glenn Zimmerman